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Father’s Day

As I woke up this morning Rachel, my lovely wife, turned over and said ‘Happy Father’s Day’. As I thought about that I realised a few things.

I am the father of four wonderful and extraordinairy children. My eldest is 34 years old and my youngest is now 13. I have two birth children and two adopted children. I have been a father who has had to cope with a divorce, remarriage and then having to adopt twice. I have actually been through THREE lots of Adoption training and assessment due to changing areas. The path of parenthood has not been an easy one but I have certainly learned a few things along the way. Today I thought I would share a few of the things that I have learned.

First, I have learned that parenting isn’t about being perfect. Indeed, on one of the adoption training courses we did they talked about ‘good enough’ parenting. I have made mistakes and learned that I don’t always have all the parenting skills I would have liked when I set out on this adventure. However, that’s OK. We are not trying to ‘make’ perfect human beings just good people. I have learned a lot on the job.

Second, I have learned that despite everything my children are amazing. My expectations of them have changed over the years and I now realise that actually they are far exceeding them!

Third, I remind myself that although I refer to them as MY children I am really only a steward of these brilliant young human beings. They have to live their own lives and make their own successes and the occasional failures just as I have.

Finally, as I think of my own father who sadly passed away when I was 18 years old, I remember the things that he did for me. I am grateful for those fishing trips. I am grateful that he taught me about the importance of working and I am grateful that I have had this opportunity to be a father myself.

So, Happy Father’s Day to all you dads and thank you to all you mums who support us in our efforts. Have a lovely day and enjoy your amazing children.